* Stuff into wet shoes to absorb moisture.
* Deodorize plastic containers that have picked up a rotting food odor: crumple damp/wet newspaper loosely into the container and put on the lid, then set in the sun for a day or so.
* If you're down so low that you need to eat bugs, loosely roll several layers of newspaper in a shaded moist area over night, and collect the bugs in the morning. You can also use the bugs as animal bait.
* Tightly rolled and tied with wire, they are now campfire logs.
* Traction under your drive wheel(s) when caught in mud or snow.
* Drunks like them on park benches as blankets.
* If you don't have enough tinfoil to make a proper protective hat, make one out of newspaper and cover it with the tinfoil.
* Laid on the soil and covered with mulch, it keeps weeds down and soil moisture up in your survival garden.