Before we had kids (but had pets) our preps where scotch, food for all, cat litter, fans and radio's that run on batterys, and a place to crash if it gets bad... and yes, that was the order of priority!!!

Now we have a walk in closet full of stuff, more stuff coming down from the states and in a place that is on stilts on already high ground that can handle a cat 4 without blinking.

We are more focused on the aftermath not the storm. Tarps to cover the roof, building supplies to fix some basic stuff, generator to keep one room (or floor) in working order (a/c, fridge, etc), 12 five gallon bottles of water, petro for the vehicles and generator, bbq for the stove, etc.

Just make up your mind on what you want to do if the big one hits... stay put regardless of the situation, run and come back after the storm, or run and never come back. Answer that question and you have a goal for hurricane preps.

Edited by Kris (08/17/09 11:45 AM)
Edit Reason: spelling
"One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"
William of Ockham (1285-1349)