I think the problem with CPR is that it's possible the patient remains aware enough of what's happening to them that it is pure torture. With the odds against being successfully rescuitated, that means your last few moments on earth are going to be likely the most unpleasant you will know. I have no fear of death, but I am not looking forwawrd to dying for this very reason. I would much rather someone just threw a switch and the lights just went out, or something like that, to laying naked strapped into a cold undersized gurney with someone plunging needles into my chest while another one is getting ready to electrocute me, while I am struggling to breathe, can hardly move, and my insides are on fire.

I had a friend who died of a stroke. It took him two weeks, and it was awful. His blood pressure went ballistic, and he would go from groaning loudly to convulsions and constant screaming. The only other time I saw someone suffering like that was when a burn victim was getting their wounds ablated.

For all our knowledge, much of modern medicine is still akin to medieval torture.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)