Originally Posted By: wildman800
My only "fears" concerning death are Dying "stupidly" [snip]

Oh, man,the stories I could tell! I have seen stupidity take a lethal turn in more permutations than I can remember. Darwinism is, truly, a force not to be trifled with.

Who all missed out on the part about not combining drugs and alcohol with each other, not to mention any sort of motorized vehicle, firearm, or power tool? Plenty of folks, apparently. Moreover, all those warnings and disclaimers on various TV shows and advertisements about "trained professionals," "closed courses" and not trying it "yourself at home" are neither redundant nor unnecessary, believe me.

Also, the variety of methods that people utilize to enhance their "alone time" must be both quite impressive and quite effective, if the lethal strain on their cardiovascular systems is any guide. Let's just say that the late David Carradine was a rank and unimaginative amateur in that department and it's probably not how you want your loved ones to find your mortal remains.