Originally Posted By: scafool

We can't know when we will go.
It might be when we are old and decrepit, or it might be when we are still young.
We can't know how we will go.
It might be from natural causes or by accident.
It might be after a long illness, or it might be suddenly.

This thread is really hitting home right now. It may not be when you are old and decrepit, it might not even be when you are in your prime, it just might be before you really get started.

My nephew passed away last week from leukemia. He was diagnosed only 1 month prior to this. He was 14 and barely begun his life. Why him? I don't know. Why at that age? I couldn't tell you. Is it fair? I will let others debate that but one consoling thought from the Pastor who said that all life is a gift. We don't have a RIGHT to be born and occupy this world - it is a gift from the Almighty. Use it and cherish it while you can.

That said, I also had a classmate of mine pass away 2 months ago. He was 49. Another classmate was diagnosed with a brain tumour and is currently surviving after surgery last month. Another classmate has stomach cancer has done his first stage chemo and is in remission. My class had a grand total of 23 graduates! Am I next? Or will I live to be 90?

Although I am not a pessimist, I am a realist and it is prudent to financially plan for the future and for the benefit of loved ones. To just "hope for the best" is a failure to plan.

P.S. We also finalized the head stone for my mother who got passed away 3 years ago after a long illness.

People, you can be prepared financially and to some extent emotionally when the person you are dealing with is older or has been chronically sick. But nothing in this world will prepare you to bury your children and grandchildren.