My wife is a medical assistant at a dermatologists office here in FL. She's got over 20 years in the field, and I'm always getting checked. PLEASE make sure the doctor looks you over thoroughly, even if it means momentary embarrassment. Better that than the treatment, trust me. There are numerous things to watch for, one mainly being a sudden change in any moles or dark spots, should they grow or suddenly become hard or flaky. Check ALL over, or have significant other do it, especially your back. Noses, ears, top of head, arms, all areas regularly and repeatedly exposed to full sunlight should be regularly checked. Wifey says melonoma is one of the only skin cancers that hereditary. Best of luck and PLEASE keep us informed.
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud