The wonderful thing about the Constitution of the United States is that it, ostensibly, leaves the use of lethal force to the discretion of the soverign citizen--from this right all other rights under the Constitution derive. Unfortunately, there have been those, and are those, who would rather live in fear of their own soverign power and furthermore, feel than all other "citizens" should have that fundamental soverign power removed from them by federal fiat.

Which is not to say that the indiscriminate use of lethal force should not go unpunished...still, it is my right to decide when lethal force is justified--only a jury of my peers in a court of law can gainsay that decision.

If you can still find a copy of it, read Lynn Thompson's treatise about knives in a fight. Willingness to deploy and speed of deployment beats superior training every time. Of course, training is still a Good Thing.
Gemma Seymour (she/her) @gcvrsa