The old method of nation states conqeureing and taking doesn't exist anymore and just isn't possible. Its about a 20 hour flight to asia from the west coast of the US. Thats a loooong way. Even if this was a plausible scenario it makes no sense. Everything in this world is for sale, including natural resources. The Chinese can just buy what they need from willing US sellers. Or they can do what Japanese companies have done in South America. Buy the best farmland, hire local labor, and raise crops for export only. What I'm saying its a colossal waste of resources for any nation to militarily occupy another in any capacity, and always winds up being a pyrrhic victory for the occupier. It makes no sense from a logistical, economical, or practical standpoint. And China is not some homogenous entity where everyone sings in unison and works in lockstep. Do you really think the chinese people would tolerate this type of destructive behavior from their government? They already have a hard time containing the thousands of demonstrations that take place each year.