If your consideration is to buy the laptop to back up your pc, just get a 100 gigabyte storage device. Cost dimes on the dollar to a laptop.

If you need a 2nd computer for the house and transport is not such an open, it is much cheaper to buy pc. A desktop pc will usually work faster and be easier to navigate and hold more info.

If you like portability and not gaming hard or streaming hi-res vid then laptops are great. You can work anywhere on docs and it's not hard to find free wifi, (Hooters and Buffalo Wild Wings for example), for internet access. I often sit on the couch with my laptop and watch movies or tv while surfing the net off linksys at home.

Actually this desktop is set up to my home wireless network with a compact wireless USB adapter. So anything is possible.

If you need to do any number work, a cheap keypad is $10 and a laptop mouse is about the same. I'd still recommend at least an 80 gig storage device.

Don't just survive. Thrive.