I think some are picking nits.I believe Doug Ritter picked the PICO light because it wouldn't accidently be turned on in a survival kit.Members of this forum are not the only buyers of the PSP or PSP-PLUS.Few people will spend the time and effort to assemble their own kit as we do.Fewer still would spend the money we have to make one.I must have at least $250.00 in my two kits.These are not even my EDC.
Doug wanted to design a kit that any one could buy and rely on it.He also wanted it affordable.There are too many kits on the market made with sub-standard parts.Have you seen the kits with the toy whistles that you would get in a gum ball machine for a quarter.Half of them do not work.The makers of these kits only care about profits.They do not care about you.
If you could create the perfect survival kit with only the very best components it would cost beyond most pocket books.Even Uncle Sam and NASA use the lowest bidder.It would be interesting to see what others could come up with and see how much it would cost.Then there is the challenge of having everything in it work as intended.
Remember that Doug has to share profits with Adveture Medical Kits and this very site of which we all frequent.If he makes any money from them,it is not much.I dare you to do better...
