Originally Posted By: scafool

There is one thing the sparklight score well on. It can be used with one hand. If you have been hurt you might only have one hand available to do things with.
(It is the same reason I like putting one hand opening knives in emergency kits if they can not carry a fixed blade.)

I am sure you can use matches one handed: as well as lighters. I'm also sure you would soon figure out how to use a fire steel, metal match or flint and steel one handed if you thought about it.

You can also use a magnifying glass, fire piston, battery and wire; small arm rounds and pyrotechnics one handed.

To market something on its one handed use is not a great if the design is floored by having the tool way to small to use effectavely.

People often use the "what if your hand is injured" argument when describing the Spark lite. If your hand or arm is that badly injured then the chances are you will be suffering from shock so again you will not be able to use fine motor skills or operate small fiddly items of kit.

Spark lite is a lot better than some of the other products out there but it aint great for cold-land environments. But, you would be a fool if you had no other form of fire lighting in cold-land environments.