Brangdon, this is the line that really bothered me about the runtime: "There is a fairly steep drop-off in brightness during the first hour until it is producing at about 40% brightness. From there you can expect a slower drop-off of about 10%/hour". 40% loss in the first hour is pretty bad, and is unavoidable when using alkaline batteries for a high-draw, unregulated light.

Aside from the battery and runtime issues I think the light is well designed, but those are huge drawbacks to me. The short shelf life and poor cold weather performance are also a big problem, especially for the masses who are unlikely to bother changeing the batteries on a regular basis. If that light ran on lithium batteries, I think it would be a great choice.

Tino, I had forgotton about storing the photon upside down in the clip, that's a great idea and I appreciate the reminder.
I never used to have to problem with accidental activation, but lately I've been needing to carry it in a pocket, under a jumpsuit, or on a side beltloop, all places where it's more likely to get turned on and where I may not notice it until hours later. I've burned through full batteries several times this way.

Photons aren't very expensive, less than $15 online(and even less wholesale), so I don't think that should prevent it's inclusion in the PSP+.

Chances are most of us on this board would never be caught with only a pocket survival kit, but the whole idea is that if all you have is PSK, and nothing else, then that kit alone will help you survive. It is on this basis that I judge survival kits. While I understand the need for compromise, I think its a mistake to justify poor equipment because "I'll probably have my other gear with me".