Actually I'm looking to get hold of a Sextant to use for celestial navigation and use it with an old Palm PDA using CELESTNAV software. The GPS broadcast signals might not always be there. whistle

If I was to upgrade to a mapping GPS it probably would be the Satmap Active 10, which uses dedicated 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey maps, i.e. the same paper maps as the ones in the previous post.

A shootout review between the Active 10 VS Garmin Colorado 300 VS Magellan eXplorist 600 is pretty interesting. (the Garmin didn't do so well)

Edit - Hmm Maybe I won't upgrade to the Satmap Active 10 after all if the cost of the SD card maps are anything to go by. I think I'll just stick to the paper maps.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (07/30/09 02:57 PM)