I call B.S.

Of course the producers have to keep the actors (I call them actors after seeing some shows detailing the fakery done in reality shows)"safe".

I watched the clips on the internet and noticed a severe shortage of edged weapons when they trooped out to forage. They can manufacture a fairly complicated generator but they can't master sharpening some metal shanks? Riiiight.

The implausiblity of it all...not one marauder has a firearm. Not one colonist has a firearm. Convenient...for the producers.

I also liked how the contractor did a dumb tactical move...run (ahead of your group) toward your opponent, then when the opponent retreats, give chase. Ever hear of an ambush, dude? I wonder if modern man has learned anything since Hastings, 1066?

I was also intrigued by the vet who said he wouldn't plan anything until they went outside and had a look around. Huh? Recon in daylight without a plan? Okaaaaay. Doesn't make sense to me. And his brilliant non-planning really paid off when they were trying to get the animals back into the warehouse. It looked like they were herding cats.

Geez, if things were as bad as they make it sound (TEOTWAWKI), you'd need a plan from the first step out that building.

Once again, I call B.S., like any "reality" show.

Except Les'. Or maybe the SAS one, that seemed pretty good.

When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.