Originally Posted By: falcon5000

1. A 3600 Map limit or 16 gig microSDHC cards which ever come first. You can use micro SD card or microSDHC cards in this unit (No speed difference in this unit) I can load all of the street maps of US,EU,Mexico,Canada,Australia and Taiwan on a 4 gig microSDHC card to give you an example. 100K topos will take 2 cards for US, 24K will take a lot of cards. So I am happy with the raising of the map limit above the 2011 like the HCX.

Seems better, but still is painful they only incrementally bumped the limit. I recall hitting 2011 limit pretty fast adding topos of my state, seems like 3600 might or might not be enough.


7. Uses 2 AA batteries like the HCX, compact,fast and holds a lot of maps in a nut shell as stated before.

Does it accept lithium batteries? That really torqued me off that they removed lithium battery support on the eTrex Vista after supporting it in previous models.


Edited by JohnN (07/29/09 09:31 PM)