Think it was Chris Kavanagh who said a forum felt like the wrong place to say this at the time we first heard, so I sent this privately to OBG. Now I'm posting it as part of the richly deserved praise he's getting.

"Thought I'd leave it to Doug to have the last word on the forum. So I'm sending a private message.
Fare thee well.
I've enjoyed our sparring and though we've disagreed at times, it was over interpretation of the actual facts. Not the 'invention, backed up with insults' many think is a good way to reach the truth. I rarely join in the forum now, since the standard of debate is so poor.
It never was with you. I like to think we learned to respect eath other. I certainly came to respect you. And learnt very quickly to check my facts in a thread you were part of.

Robert E Lees words on the loss of his cavalry commander J.E.B Stuart (responsible for recconnaisence) is the finest epitaph a debator could have.

"He never brought me a piece of false information".

You've earned it.

The Sock"
The world is in haste and nears its end – Wulfstan II Archbishop of York 1014.