Yay! I love it when I hear of good prescribing practices.
I'm sure I've offended several on this forum, but using antibiotics without being under competent medical care is IMHO usually a bad idea.
If you are on an actual expedition, especially in 3rd world conditions, then having a course of broad spectrum antibiotics is prudent, but usually there will be some type of medical guy on the team.
I know Doug has an antibiotic kit in his FAK's, but unless you are travelling outside civilization for 2+ weeks at a time, it's really first aid that the patient needs until transport to more comprehensive care can be achieved.
As an ID friend of mine explained, when you use antibiotics, you lose them. Any antibiotic use will by its very nature select for the resistant organisms and skew the strains into resistance. So use them judiciously!
Just my 0.02.
When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.