Why a sailboat?

When I began seriously thinking about survival topics the idea of self-sufficiency in an emergency became central. I worked my way through putting together a personal first-aid kit ("PFK"), a personal survival kit ("PSK"), and a bug out bag ("BOB"). I added a bit more gear and supplies for a vehicle survival kit (I don't know if there is an acronym for this one!).

Then I started looking around for someplace to get out of town in an emergency. I found a survival retreat location about 40 miles away and began planning survival caches along the route in case I had to get there on foot and a larger cache at the site.

Somewhere in the process I realized I was probably going to experience a business failure and lose my house to foreclosure and that I did not have the money to finish and equip the survival retreat. Necessity being the mother of invention, I did a major re-think.

Since I was in the single-digits I sailed small boats, paddled canoes, etcetera. Fishing is my number one passion, and I love seeing what's around the next point. I live in the San Joaquin -Sacramento Delta about 90 water miles from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Franciso Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Put that together with survival off the grid and a sailboat became the obvious choice for me.