I hate to say it but the TSA is the primary reason that I don't like to fly, and if the travel is under 12 hours of car driving,, I will just suck it up and travel by car.

Usualy as I am about to loose my dignity and go through a screening I always remember two things. The comic strip back when Opus was staring in his own strip, The TSA kept saying that they couldn't let him on the plain becouse they hadn't throughly violted his rights and humilated him totaly.

The second thing I remember is a quote I belive Tomas Jefferson once said, "a man who forfits freedom and security for safty, deserves neither." I belive that I got the quote wrong, but the jist of the quote is there.

While trying to look this up I came across quotes by Tomas Jefferson. here http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/thomas_jefferson.html

I found many quotes that were in definate alingment with Equipped.org purpose and tone.

One quote I found that I felt I should share is below.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Thomas Jefferson