Originally Posted By: oldsoldier
El diablo, I disagree with you. I see your point, and I think there should be levels of negligence. Going up in a storm is certainly negligent. A scout getting to a place to be rescued, one he knows someone will visit, isnt. One is a dumb choice; the other is one of two options-not necessarily negligence.

I disagree with going out in a storm being negligent... it may be stupid but if you are prepared it could be a good adventure, and not negligent at all.

IE: You try to go snow skiing on the freshest powder, and sometimes you end up in a blizzard.

IE2: We go snow 4-wheeling when it IS snowing / blizzard to get the fresh snow, and have a good fun adventure. We go prepared to spend multiple nights, etc... not negligent but if I somehow got injured and was rescued they would most likely paint the picture as we were negligent and how ridiculous we were for going at that time etc.

A lot of things can appear negligent to the uninformed or someone who hasn't personally done / experienced it.

I dunno, it's still a darn hard call to make no matter what the situation is.
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