The survival links on this site may be helpful. I have found the Rocky Mountain Survival Group, Frugal Squirrels, Hoods Woods[url=, and [url= Ricks Digest to be especially helpful. I also hang out here all the time because the interests, skills and perspectives of the forumites here as well as their polite manner makes this an educational and enjoyable place to hang.


My personal perspective is that a bad day in the woods beats a great day in the office every time. I think that there may come a time when we will face social collapse on larger scale than most of us will be comfortable with and when that day comes I don't really want to be holed up in the woods all alone. For me, survival of civilization is more important than my own individual survival. Sooo, I have become involved in the local volunteer efforts by becoming a volunteer EMT, an emergency communicator Amateur radio operator and active in town politics. As time permits I will become more involved.

I think that it is entirely possible to live primitavely and defend a homestead as a reaction to social collapse. Unfortunately individuals who react this way do nothing to expedite the re-establishment of general order and well being of society. Only by being involved in the maintenance of society do we stand the chance of preventing or mitigating the impact of potential collapse.