I don't compost worms, but I DO compost our horse manure. Four horse produce an amazing amount of manure. I let it compost for several months and use a manure spreader to spread it on my lawn and parts of the pasture to supplement my poor clay soil.
When they built my house I think they scraped off all the nice black soil, sold it, and then did their best trying to seed the clay subsoil that was left. So far things are looking much better.
The composting process is fun to watch. I'll use my tractor's front end loader to "roll" the rows of manure over every few weeks - to give it more oxygen. On a cool day the steam and heat output from rolled actively composting manure is amazing. Once there's no steam or heat... its done.
Its a lot of work - recently made much easier after getting my tractor and manure spreader (I used to fling it by hand - for the last 15 years), but I refuse to have the manure hauled to the local landfill, as many other small-acreage horse owners do.