I was in DC a few months ago and visited a whole bunch of places that had metal detectors, etc. I use a wheelchair and was expecting to be wanded and patted down - typical way TSA deals with a wheelchair. I had a SAK carefully tucked away in such a way that it would not be detected by a metal scanner but that was the only "illicit" thing I had on me. I was wanded once - in the Reagan office building (for lunch). Other than that I could have brought in anything - and I mean anything. Makes me nervous to be in a secure area with somebody in a wheelchair - well, not really but you get the idea. My wife walked through metal detectors and her bag was searched at every stop - nothing to hide and always got a smile and a wave through.

I guess this is one of the advantages of a chair. No one thinks of you as a threat so you get to roll on by. I've used this on more than one occasion. As long as I've got my innocent look on ...