It's tools to make the tools time.

What you have is unfortunatly governed by:

A)how much you can afford.
B) what's obtainable.

Having said that, a decent multi-tool is very much your first priority.

In order of quality (and price!):

Anyone else. That means Far-East and Made in China knockoffs. Some are better than others. They are better than nothing.

I use a full sized Victorinox multi-tool for work. I used to use a Leatherman. I like the leatherman's but the Victorinox is categorically the better tool.

A decent robust pocket knife or small fixed blade knife is next.
A lighter.

Decent pocket torch.

I EDC a smokers oilskin that has in it.

Needles. Sailmakers and ordinary needles.
Good quality thread.
12' duct tape.
A Bic lighter.
2 Wet-fire cubes.
10 Tinder-Quick.
5 lifeboat matches.
40' 30lb test Spyderwire.
A gaff hook. Useful for hooking things out of awkward spots.
A ziplock bag.
5m braided brass wire. The stuff you use to hang pictures with.
A spark-lite.
5 MP-1 tablets.
6 Aquatabs.
4 band aids.

I also carry one or more 20' lenths of 550 cord in my back pocket(s.

I can repair, creat or bodge up a lot of things with the above.

I don't do dumb & helpless.