Originally Posted By: benjammin
Yep, I figured that would be your response, and that is fine. I would point out, though, that it is quite possible and effective to break a glass window without making enough noise for anyone to notice. I've had it done to me, and I was in an adjacent room at the time. They used an adhesive film to hold the glass in place and then cracked out around the edge of the pane, then pulled the film back with all the broken glass stuck to it. Then they lifted the latch and would've got right in but for the cat that scared the by-Jesus out of them.

A siren with a window trigger would've been almost as effective as that darn cat.

Was waiting for a reply like this wink Duct-Tape is also another popular tool for this (so I've heard.)

I`m not saying a window alarm is a bad idea by any means, they are affordable and a good alert system! Especially for an apartment, you don't even need them centrally controlled, 2 or 3 that you can turn on and off at night or when you leave make it even cheaper wink

I still think statistically I'd put a bar in too... probably much more likely to get that type of attempted break-in than someone not shattering your glass, or someone using a glass cutter and reaching in smile

Well said!
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