Originally Posted By: TeacherRO
Thanks for the new forum. New topic - how does Urban edc differ from wilderness EDC?

City game is all icky. No bunnies, no deer. Least not in my zip code. Apparently there are some fish in the Potomac and Tidal Basin but I think they have three eyes.

Venison probably tastes better than rat. Or the occasional possum I've seen around here.

Seriously, though, one of the major differences that occurs to me is that looting, violence and other mayhem is not an issue in the wilderness, as it well could be in an urban area.

The only thing scarier than DC in some scenarios would be wilderness full of armed, hungry Grizzlies.

Survival in extreme weather seems the same challenge, though there are certainly more traditional options for shelter in the city. Dry clothes should be easier to find in the city. If city water is shut down or tainted, it's less likely you'll find a clean spring in the city than the wilderness.

All this survival talk is causing me to give thanks every night for electricity, running water, supermarkets and relative peace.

Edited by Dagny (07/13/09 02:41 AM)