Congratulations on becoming the new Sheriff in town. I did spend a few moments wondering just what you might be packing in your holster given your handle and extensive experience with chemical processes.
On to more serious matters.
I immediately jumped to my feet, thrust my SAK in the air and roared "I HAVE THE POWER!!". From the next room DW replied matter-of-factually, "No you don't."
I think I spotted your problem - you left out the attribution in the above statement. Shouldn't it be more along the lines of "By the Power of ETS, I HAVE THE POWER!!". I might also have chosen a Ritter Mk3 or a Leatherman Wave instead of a SAK since I don't remember the blade changing much. Be careful with the above unless you are very sure about BattleCats location and temperament.

Thanks for stepping up to the thankless job.
- Eric