Hmmm... I just hope that isn't like all of these "reality" shows, an interesting idea that usually turns into crap once the editing starts.

Having worked behind the scenes of some "reality" television and seen just what kind of manipulations of reality take place for dramatic effect, I don't expect much.

I will say that I'd be more likely to watch something like this on the Discovery Channel rather than on MTV. I'd really like to see at least one of these type shows portray what can happen when people work together for a common goal instead of making it a "last man standing" kind of thing. But apparently the producers have decided that their audiences prefer the absurdity of "Survivor" with the theoretical reality that a show like this one could produce.

If things go like most reality shows do, we'll all have our heroes and villains picked out by the 3rd week...;^)

In the meantime, I'll hit up some sources and see if I can find the building that they used...

Edited by JohnE (07/12/09 06:33 PM)

"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen