Thanks boatman.

Always a good idea to have duct tape and para cord ect.

After reading posts on this forum for so long i've got most off the basics covered (flat duct tape and needles with thread in wallet)but I haven't thought to add paper clips or safty pins.

I have about <8'> of para-cord in a brided keyring fob along with a Vic classic, Mag Lite, Whisle and a flint rod. So it sounds like I'm starting from a better base than I thought.


just to make life easier heres a list of what I usually carry.

On person:

emergency poncho

AMK heatsheets 2 person blanket

SAK huntsman

2oz bottle hand sanitiser jel
On key ring:

Vic classic (will properly change to a mini champ)

mini Mag lite (considering a few LED lights instead)

Para-cord fob 8' give or take

Whisle (Acme Thunderer)

Flint rod (yes I do mean a FLINT rod I would really like any help in selecting a ferno replacment, but that I think that is for an other thread)

In Wallet:

zip lock bag, can't remember the size

water puri tabs (8)

about 10' of duct tape

needles & thread

some 50lb braided fishing line


small FAK (alway up grading)

waterproof jacket (and when needed rain pants)

1L water bottle, but I have several for so I can increase the amount of water I can carry if I need to

also living in the UK enviromentle considerations usually revolve around wet and windy condions

And again, many thanks

Edited by Cauldronborn (07/12/09 08:02 AM)