My cousin and her husband live in a yurt just outside Wenatchee. Very nice. They built it themselves instead of a kit. The nice thing is that most yurts are very easy to add on to. There yurt has grown over the years. Not by much. It couldn't be more than 800 square feet. Oh wait they just put in indoor plumbing for a bathroom when they daughter was born. Trips to the outhouse in the winter were miserable. No power except for a generator. They pump water up from icicle creek.

They live 7 miles off the road. In the winter when it snows they use snow mobiles to get to/from the trailhead that that is plowed. Even the dog and baby rode up/back this way.

A bit too plain for my tastes but they have a good set up. I would recommend this style for someone who has some vacation property but no house on it and not enough cash to put a permanent trailer or RV before building.
Don't just survive. Thrive.