Originally Posted By: Desperado
Thanks everyone so far.

Still have not heard any Rhino specific info, or any that are compatible with MS Streets and Trips.

Any ideas???

I've had 6 Garmin GPS units. 5 of them have been trouble-free (so far). GPS-40, 45, 12XL, eTrex,Rino110, Rino130. I use them overwhelmingly for hiking with rare other use in the car or on motorcycle.

The Rino110 has had 2 failures. 1st quickly fixed under warranty (internal short killing batteries), 2nd in progress now (navigation button/stick has dead positions). A Rino130 will move into it's place and we'll see how it fares with use.

Rinos don't use touchscreen though it could probably be manipulated with thin gloves.

I have no experience with mapping s/w other than Garmin's MapSource. My interest is in topo rather than streets.

I would not hard-mount any GPS to motorcycle handlebars unless I saw in the mfr's spec that it was specifically shock and vibration resistant. That's a really tough environment to survive.

When I use GPS on my rides my unit rides under the clear vinyl on the top of my tankbag. I can see it but pushing buttons isn't too good.