I am not sure whether everyone understand what I mean. The concept is very simple.
From what I read SPOT lets you send 2 predefined messages. Say I enter some normal text. For HELP button: "I have some problems. SAR not needed." For OK button: "I am OK."
The person receiving the messages knows that "I have some problems. SAR not needed." = dot and "I am OK." = dash.
Then I start to transmit messages from wilderness. I want to send letter "C" which is _ . _ . in Morse code. I press OK button, then HELP button, then OK button and then HELP button.
When the recipient opens his/her mailbox he will see 4 new e-mails from SPOT device arranged by time of receiving (or creation):
"I am OK."
"I have some problems. SAR not needed."
"I am OK."
"I have some problems. SAR not needed."
The recipient translate it as:
which means _ . _ . and letter "C".
So this way he can decrypt whole words/sentences just from two kinds of e-mails. And I believe the decryption could be handled by some software that would process the e-mails and display directly (in this case) the "C" letter for the recipient.
Why would I want to do it? Well, itīs just an idea. I will probably never buy SPOT (PLB seems better to me) and I would rather buy satellite phone if I needed to communicate from the remote places. But for those who use SPOT and in some rare situation need to send some special message it could be useful. Or just for the fun of the "hacking"
