From Wagner & Oehlmann's paper:

Hartmann et al. (1998) proposed that dairy products are
the main source for steroidal estrogens and calculated a
total daily intake of 80–100 ng estrogens per day for adults.
Based on our data, a theoretical daily consumption of 3 l
mineral water (drinking water required to maintain hydration,
Howard and Bartram 2003) would result in a mean
total intake of 54 ng EEQ per day. In a worst case scenario
(3 l of brand C-P), the total daily intake would increase to
226 ng EEQ per day, exceeding the intake of estrogens
naturally found in food (Hartmann et al. 1998) by more
than 100%. In a more recent study, Courant et al. (2007)
analytically determined concentrations of 23 ng/l 17ßestradiol
in milk. The concentration of natural estrogen in
milk is comparable to the mean hormonal potency we
measured in 20 brands of mineral water (18 ng/l EEQ) and
three times lower than the maximal EEQ detected in one brand
of water (75 ng/l EEQ). Therefore, consumption of mineral
water results in a human exposure to xenoestrogens with at
least the same hormonal potency as steroidal estrogens
naturally occurring in food.

You need to drink three liters of water that had been stored in plastic bottles to get close to the amount of xenoestorgens that you get from the daily recommended amount of milk/dairy.

I find it interesting in this study that the only effect this material had on the snails was an increased fertility. There was nothing about increased mortility or other harmful effects on the test subjects (snails which were specifically picked because they have a know susceptibility to estrogen).

Back when this all started I was on the team of chemists that was testing the estrogen-mimicing ability of these chemicals. Result? If we assign normal estrogen's activity at "1" then the BPS's activity was found to be 1/1000 the activity of regular estrogen.

The funny thing is there are chemicals in broccoli that have an estrogen-activity of over 10.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
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