Originally Posted By: scafool

If the BG broke in through a window or a back door wouldn't a double cylinder lock pose the risk of trapping the BG inside the house if you surprised them too?
I would rather they ran out the front door than have a violent confrontation.

In all honesty, I don't really see that happening. First, if I walk into my house and it looks tossed, I see someone in there, or something just feels amiss (biggest one would be the dog not coming to greet me), I'm turning right back around and running to my car and/or to a neighbors house, where I can safely call the police to come clear the place.

It's the same thing if I catch someone in the house unknowingly (say in an upstairs room), I'm turning right back around and heading to the nearest reasonably safe place. Be it back outside, or a room I can barricade myself in, call the police, and possibly arm myself.

Either way, it doesn't really matter what kind of locks I've got on my front door. (Unless I'm the one being trapped inside, but that's the same as the fire scenario.)

On the opposite side of things, most burglars you find act either one of two ways when discovered. They're just want to get out as fast as possible and want nothing to do with you unless you get in their way. Or, their motive changes (say from burglary to robbery) and they've already made up their mind to come after you. Again, either way it doesn't really matter what kind of lock you've got on your front door. The first guy is going to find a way out any way he can, as fast as he can. The second guy is going to come after you regardless.