Personally, I think if you have glass in or adjacent to your door they are a good idea. I'd also suggest you research 'lock bumping' and try to get locks that are resistant to this method.

I changed out our locks with Bilock cylinders.

As for fire, there are a number of options. You can keep a dish with a key near the door, but not so near that someone can reach in and nab it. You can keep one around your neck.

Personally, I think the key in the lock defeats the purpose.

I don't really care if someone breaks in while I'm gone and steals my stuff. Houses are not fortresses -- they will get in. What I do care about is if someone breaks in while I'm home. I want those few extra seconds to react. This is why lock bumping is so dangerous IMO -- it is fast AND quiet.

If someone breaks in while I'm home, I want to hear it and to have a few seconds to react. This is why when I replaced the windows I selected laminated glass for the downstairs windows. I want someone to work for it and to make some noise.

BTW, keep in mind regarding emergency escape, the windows are still an option. You can open them and leave that way too.


Edited by JohnN (06/17/09 02:32 PM)