So while not totally related to ETS, I can't help but seek the advice of others on the forum. For those who do not know what a double cylinder deadbolt lock is, it is a deadbolt that is keyed on both sides. You need a key on the inside as well as the outside of the door.

I'm getting a new place, a house in a "quiet" residential area. The kind with a front & back yard and neighbors next door. The front door is solid core, but is has a tempered window on the side that runs the full length of the door. These are very common.

From a security aspect, you should have a double cylinder deadbolt lock on any door within reaching distance of a window so the door cannot be unlocked by someone breaking the window. From a fire safety standpoint and having small children in the home, it poses a fire hazard of (anyone, particularly children) not being able to get out of the house through that door if there was a fire.

Are you for or against having a double cylinder deadbolt lock on your front door? What other factors do you consider? I've thought about what poses a greater risk, burglar or fire, and that is a tough one to answer. The area is good, crime rate is low, and I always lock the doors and windows. I also don't create fire hazards and keep things like the furnace and things well maintained & clean as well as keep fire extinguishers on each level of the home as well as kitchen, and garage.

So, your thoughts???