Health care is a luxury, not a right. It always has been, and housing is likewise a luxury and not a right. While it is unfortunate that there are people who do without either or even both, that's life. If you want more, earn it.

If the price is too high to afford, that is the result of supply and demand. My solution, which has worked quite well for me, is to make more money than what it costs to get my own housing or quality health care. I don't expect anyone else to pay my billes, and I am furious that some folks out there expect me to pay theirs.

I started life in a garage. My mom had with very little and worked very hard to get by. When I was 18 I had nothing except my wits, which I eventually parlayed into a decent living for me and mine. I don't expect anyone in this country would not be able to do the same, unless they are somehow disabled or handicapped, in which case there are plenty of programs I and many like me are forced to pay a premium to that will help them deal with their limitations. Except for the very disabled, I believe that any citizen living in this country can and should do whatever they have to so they are not a burden on our society. I see a lot of people abusing the system these days that have no good reason for it. If you can't afford a home or decent health care, then do something about it. Don't just sit around and lament your condition. It didn't work for me, and it won't work for anyone else.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)