
Are you beginning to see a theme here???

Four years ago, I saw the eventual downturn in the housing market, and looked at how I was doing business both in business and home.

I WAS SHOCKED at the money I was throwing away in both locations!!!!!!!!

I restructured ALL of my money in and money out post-haste.

I will not get into just how bad it was, but let us just say that at 38, I would not be working for THE REST OF MY LIFE if I had been smarter 8 years ago instead of 4.

Get rid of all UNNECESSARY
1.) Overhead
2.) Debt
3.) Crap (all the stuff not needed/wanted) that causes OVERHEAD.

After that, Let the good times roll.. (sorry, I don't know french/cajun).
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.