Originally Posted By: Paul810
Finally, the Medeco3 lock, even with its flaw, is still more secure than the low-end Schlage, Kwickset, and Masterlocks the majority of America uses to secure their homes, buildings, ect. That's the part that scares most people. wink

It scares most people... it shouldn't.

Most door frames are weaker and if they are not the door itself is... hollow, made of fiberglass, etc. A lot of doors now days if you try to kick you put your foot through, not everyone has $800+ solid doors.

Not to mention there are MUCH easier ways to get in a house than "picking a lock"... statistically most homes are not broken in to via someone picking an "insecure" lock.

People need to realize that leaving the darn thing unlocked is what gets MOST people "broken" into.
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