I think we all can agree half the battle is knowing what to take with the other half knowing how to use what you took. And a fair amount of improvisation is always good too.

I watched some of the show yesterday, I think it was a marathon or somesuch thing. Hmmm... the shotgun won't work because it is dirty or broken. I never saw anyone trying to clean it, altho I saw one guy cussing it out. Yeah, that helped a lot.

Something else you should consider: any group is only as smart as the dumbest person there. Groups tend to dumb down to some extent. I know I wouldn't want to go the weeds with these clowns. They spend more energy talking about what they should do than doing it.

And they said these people recieved some training beforehand? Yikes. Pretty damn scarey.

Edited by JBMat (05/11/09 07:06 PM)