The new gun that they just recently aquired would actualy do OK against a bear. NOT GREAT, but OK.

I have to agree with the statment about the time table. The Producers or "experts" in this show are pushing them too fast.. Had I been on the show I would have stopped at the mossy cabbin and fed everone and rested longer to get everyones strength back up.

At the risk of ticking someone off, I have to add that I would have poched the beaver.. Is it illigal? YES, but when it comes between me living and following the poching laws, sorry. Though I will have to add that I am sure the camera people being around and the fact that they are not truly surviving makes it a bit larger of a legal issue.. though I still would have taken the meat.

I watch this show, though sometimes I feel like I am watching a train wreck in slow motion. I like it becouse I like to ask myself, "what woudl I do" or, "Could I realy handel that" and if I say no to something, or "i dont' know" I answer that question or strive to be better at what I would be lacking.