Well, I watched half a dozen episodes. Watching them fumble and bumble around as they did would be a good reference for mostly what not to do. Giving a firearm to a person who has no idea how to really use it is not only a big waste, but a serious potential for disaster. That wasn't their worst mistake unfortunately, but it was immediately obvious. Watching them struggle as much as they did is a big plus for advertising to the gen pop that the average joe is not at all prepared to face the wilderness, even when they can equip themselves quite well and get a lot of help along the way. I do abhor the social elements of these sorts of programs. Like others said, the wrong people left the group for all the right reasons. I am surprised no one got really seriously injured.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)