I picked up a copy at Borders earlier today, not expecting much and after reading and skimming quite a bit of it, came away pleasantly surprised.
I read the same article that ran in the L.A. Times and wasn't too impressed but I have to give Mr. Strauss credit, when he writes it himself, he tells a pretty good story.
There are also some interesting comparisons in his account and my own life experiences that made it even more interesting. We're close to the same age, both took up Ham radio pretty late in life, both went to EMT school later in life, have gotten involved in local disaster aid groups, him more so. He also has a much larger budget for indulging his plans then I do. He even took a class on edible plants from a guy I used to work with years ago and with whom I am planning on taking some classes with later this year.
I thought it was gonna be a whoopie, look at me I'm a survivalist now kind of thing but he ends up having a sort of epiphany by the time he's done.
And he tells you how to get out of a pair of zip tie cuffs too...;^)
"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"
The Future/Leonard Cohen