Originally Posted By: dougwalkabout

You can talk all you want, but a lot of people don't really believe something until it actually bites them. Teenagers doubly so.

I'm with you; I have a troop full of them, and it's amazing how much discomfort they will endure to avoid doing something that remotely makes sense! I will have guys on a hike, and it starts pouring. Most of us pull out a poncho or rain shell, but, some of my brain dead teens will wait until they are soaked to the skivies before they'll consider doing anything about it. Mind you, they have a pack full of appropriate gear, they just choose not to use it... In winter, they would be borderline hypothermic if we let them before they'd start adding layers on their own... one of them, I have to acknowledge, is my own, ahhhh, issue. My wife says the brain dead teen genes came from my side of the family, but, I've seen her brothers kids in action, so I'm sure it's not all my fault. wink

- Ron