I descided that when hiking, I carry way to much 'nice to have' equipment, so I went back to basics.
On body carry:
- Clothing to suit the weather. (moderate seaclimate, but a lot of rain here)
- Usual stuff like watch, wallet, keys, cellphone, etc.
- Modified AMK SOL:
http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showthreaded&Number=169916#Post169916Hiking-kit in maxpedition jumbo. I added their M2 pouch, medium rollypoly and a countycomm PCC-pouch for my cellphone:
I braided 2 lengths of paracord and SRB's to make straps which can be used to attach a rolled-up jacket to the bottom of the Jumbo.
Contents of the bag:
- FAK (reviewed later)
- PSK (reviewed later)
- BIC-lighter
- Lightstick
- Petzl e+lite with spare batteries
- LMF Spork
- Esbit folding stove and solid fuel tablets (need suggestions for a more compact emergency stove.)
- compeed anti-blister stick (testing this stuff right now, so far it seems to prevent blisters pretty good)
- small MSR packtowel
- Purell hand-sanitizer
- Cordage (about 10ft.)
- Benchmade Griptillian
- Fenix EO1
- Gerber sharpener
- AMK Heatsheet bivvy and 2-person blanket (both in amk stuffsack)
- carabiner
- Rite-in-the-rain notebook and pencil
- Spare pair of socks (essential)
- chemical hand warmers (in colder seasons)
- some energy biscuits and dextro tabs.
- small roll of TP
- Nalgene 32oz. bottle
- Stainless steel metal cup
- platypus 1l.
Missing in this pic are sunscreen and insect-repellant which expired and still need to be restocked.
The FAK:
- Wound closure strips
- antiseptic wipes
- tape
- 2x3 gauze pads
- tweezers
- tick-tweezers
- needle
- burn-gel (x2)
- Azaron sting relief
- O.R.S.
- Compeed blister patches
- cloth adhesive bandages
- basic meds: ibuprofen, immodium, cetrizine.
- AMK PSP with standard contents
- 7 wind-waterproof matches+striker strip
- 10 Aquaclear tabs
- 1qt. ziplock
- 2 utility-knife blades (replaces original scalpel-blade)
- CC SOLED flashlight
- CC SERE-saw
Let me know what you think.