We flooded less with this flood than our first two floods earlier in the week -- what a sentence! We drained sometime between late night and the next morning (when the north/nw area were so flooded during rush hour). There was only a few inches at the lowest parts while we watched the early news with the reporters on the feeders standing in water, with numerous vehicles stalled, including one SUV, and even an HPD cruiser!

I read elsewhere some were saying the flooding was worse than TS Allison 2001, but I got water in my house from Allison, and only flooded 1/3 up the driveway with this most recent flood. I guess it all depends on the area of town we're in.

You can click on areas and enlarge them, and change the time in the dropdown box. My area got between 8-18 inches in the last month (my exact area isn't represented, so I'm going by surrounding areas which vary a lot; I'm guessing we probably got around 9 inches).

Public water was contaminated after TS Allison, but I didn't hear anything one way or the other about water safety after any of our 3 floods. I'm washing water containers today for yearly hurricane preps just because I was thinking about that (and the slight chance of problems *if* we are affected by a pandemic).