@Comm: I wear these pants all day long. =P

Being self-employed, I wear what I like.

Seriously, though, the exercise is to keep as much stuff on-body as possible without getting bogged down. Once I get the Maxpedition bottle carrier, I'm sure I'll offload one or two things.

Speaking of which, after some deliberation, I've moved my Heatsheets blanket and Leatherman up to my coat pockets, and my cell phone down to my left front pocket (the slot pocket).

The blanket, while very light, was just too bulky. REI is having a 25% off sale on all AMK products starting on the 1st, so I'm going to pick up the single person blanket and see how the bulk is. The Leatherman only adds plier functionality, with the other tools being redundant to a SAK, so I'm thinking it's not worth having it bang into my leg all day. When I get the bottle carrier, it's going to have a home there.

Also, keep in mind that I'm not using this stuff in extremis. Rescue for any situation I'm likely to find myself in over the course of this coming year will involve placing a cell phone call to 911 to come haul my injured self off the trail. An extreme case may involve no cell signal or a dead battery, and waiting for a hiker/trail runner/mountain biker to come along (about a ten minute to fifteen minute affair on most of the trails I'll be on, if that) so I can either borrow their cell or have them contact a park ranger.

Until I'm in better shape, I'm sticking to tamer trails, and probably considerably shorter walks than a lot of you folks are used to. Once I start hitting longer walks, I'll be carrying the water bottle holder and other supplies. For just getting into shape, I'm pretty much in overkill mode at the moment for what I carry. I just want to get used to carrying it, if that makes sense.

Edited by BrianB (04/28/09 02:53 PM)
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