I think Philip's point was that he presented a viable idea that was given short shrift by some for no apparent reason.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the idea of a solar oven, it's a brilliant idea when used in the conditions in which it will work well.

It's obviously not some sort of panacea nor will it work under any and all conditions, and of course neither will any of the alternatives to it.

As for playing the troll, I notice that Philip didn't resort to name calling or making blanket statements that are not based in fact, ie, "the rest of us not privileged enough to live in sunbelt retirement communities..." And speaking of sad efforts, "the never ending summer land of fruits and nuts." I mean really, is that the best you can come up with? If the level of discourse here is gonna be based on one's geography, well that's just too pathetic to contemplate.

As for incomplete solutions, pray tell what is the complete solution to anything?

The comment that a solar oven isn't suitable for use late in the day and some of the other negative responses to using one are so ridiculous that no further comment really need be made except this, perhaps with just a whit of foresight one could use the energy of the sunlight during the day to bake something to be eaten later? Just a thought.

And finally, if learning something or building something that you can't envision using is a waste of time, then taking the time to post the comment that it isn't worth your time to build is most assuredly a waste of your time.

Thanks for the info Philip.



"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen