Excuse me? Not able to think outside the box?

Philip, if you had read what I said in my posts and what I supplied as links you might have actually learned something.
Obviously you have decided to just be rude, and a bit ignorant, to anybody who knows something which you apparently do not.
I said solar cookers were useful, where they were useful and then gave you some ideas about their limits.

Thatguyjeff raised a valid point and had a valid question. He was not just trying to rain on your sunny day. He deserved a better answer than your sad effort.

You know these solar cookers might seem like the cat's pajamas to you in sunny southern California, (the never-ending-summer-land of fruits and nuts) but for most of the rest of the world solar cookers are nothing but high school science demonstrations.
They would be useless to somebody who had lost power to a tropical storm while the rain clouds still covered the sky.
They are also useless where the sun never gets far enough above the horizon to cut through the atmosphere, and they are useless in areas with high levels of smoke or smog in the air.
There are real good reasons why they are not used in the high arctic where fuel is scarce, or in the tropical rain forests.
There is also the feature that the solar cooker would have to be made, and if I was just trying to heat a bowl of stew up and had other heat sources it simply would not be a wise investment of my time and effort.
(Score again for That Guy Jeff.)

Thinking outside the box is all fine and good. I believe strongly in it myself.
Thinking realistically is also very good. I think that every time a person thinks about reality the whole world gets a little bit smarter.

Nobody who responded here was knocking you down, they were just accepting the real limits of solar cooking for the rest of us who are not privileged enough to live in sunbelt retirement communities.

edit: If you look again everybody notes that under the right conditions solar cooking is a good option. They are just pointing out that it is an incomplete solution.

Edited by scafool (04/20/09 10:49 PM)
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.