Originally Posted By: scafool
[quote=philip]>Actually Philip these solar cookers turned out to be pretty pointless for most of the international agencies that tried promoting them too.
Even with the best technology and the ideal economic environment for them they were failures in the end. The only places they saw much use was at refugee camps in equatorial areas of the deserts. Places where the people had nothing except the sun to use, not even camel dung.

It's disappointing to find even here that people can't think out of the box. Of course if you have wood, you may be better off starting a fire. The issue is an alternative means of cooking during a longer term survival situation. There are times when you don't want a fire - there are several reasons that come to mind.

If you can't imagine when a solar oven would come in handy, then it's pointless for you. Totally, completely pointless. That others might profit from having the alternative is pointless, too.